Allen Brook and Mansfield Art Studios

The painting above, made in '08-'09, depicts the old Williston train station. This is one of two images that depict historic buildings of our town. The children learned how to project an image, copy it onto canvas and observe angles, color values and tones and other details from the original black and white photos. They also imagined the colors of the building, sidewalks, train, clothing and surrounding landscape. The paintings hung for a while at Dorothy Alling Library and now are at Allen Brook School.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Third and Fourth Grade Art and Technology Integration

The following is a slide show of some of the finished cartoons.

Cartoon Slide Show

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Third and Fourth Grade Sunflower Paintings

Currently third and fourth grade students are studying color mixing and learning to blend a variety of tones and values. They have looked at paintings by Vincent Van Gogh and Georgia O'Keefe.

Third and Fourth Grade Art/Technology Project

All third and fourth graders will do this project at some point during the year. The artists are studying cartooning and bring their creations to life in Photo Shop.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Theme Week Banner

During Theme Week we celebrated the Quadricentennial. These murals depict some of the key characters in our region's history.

Jazz Collage

In collage, third and fourth grade students created collages while listening to jazz musicians including John Coltrane, Bill Evans Trio and Count Basie among others. They also learned about the beginnings of Cubism as seen in works by Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque and Romare Beardon.