Allen Brook and Mansfield Art Studios

The painting above, made in '08-'09, depicts the old Williston train station. This is one of two images that depict historic buildings of our town. The children learned how to project an image, copy it onto canvas and observe angles, color values and tones and other details from the original black and white photos. They also imagined the colors of the building, sidewalks, train, clothing and surrounding landscape. The paintings hung for a while at Dorothy Alling Library and now are at Allen Brook School.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Self Portraits by 1st and 2nd Graders

 The children used mirrors to study their unique qualities and expressions. These portraits were made with shading pencils and oil pastels.

Clay Pinch Pots - Grades 1 and 2

Glazed clay before final firing

...After firing...

The children sketched  ideas for their 3d animal sculptures. They then explored the properties of clay through sculpting, attachment and glazing techniques. The pieces were first bisque fired for approximately 12 hours, glazed and fired again. The artists were extremely excited to see the colorful and magical results.