Allen Brook and Mansfield Art Studios

The painting above, made in '08-'09, depicts the old Williston train station. This is one of two images that depict historic buildings of our town. The children learned how to project an image, copy it onto canvas and observe angles, color values and tones and other details from the original black and white photos. They also imagined the colors of the building, sidewalks, train, clothing and surrounding landscape. The paintings hung for a while at Dorothy Alling Library and now are at Allen Brook School.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

First and Second Grade Clay Pinch Pots

Team Signs

Harmony and Synergy students worked hard to make signs for their newly formed teams. Our Horizon sign is yet to come.

Friday, February 4, 2011

1st and 2nd Grade Collages and Pre-Sketches

Kindergarten - Transitions Paintings

1st and 2nd Still Life Paintings

Kindergarten Color Studies


Kindergarteners learned a bit about Spanish artist Pablo Picasso and explored shape, pattern and color using paint, papers and glue.

First and Second Grade Self Portraits

At all stages of development, drawing offers the opportunity to observe, perceive and express oneself in new ways. As the first means of communication, it is integral to each child's growth.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Past Integrated Studies through Mural Making

Some of What We Do

In our Art Studio here at Allen Brook we explore, imagine, invent, discover, reflect, process and practice.We hope that you will enjoy seeing some of our work.These images include works of our former third and fourth graders.

Our Artist Tools

We use many mediums in our studio.

Art and Technology 2010-2011

First and second graders are combining art and technology skills using Photo Shop. Here, their Magical Village drawings were scanned and then edited in the computer lab.